It’s about that time of the month again, salary time, that time in the cycle of our lives when the gods of benevolence shine upon us with the hard-earned fruits of our labour. A time when everything seems possible, the promise of exciting experiences can be fulfilled, random cravings of little Knick knacks can be satisfied; a time so sweet that you spend the rest of the month just waiting for it to come back around.
And then the rest of the month comes. Sequel to satisfied cravings and enjoyed experiences, you are left with an empty pocket, recurrent bills, grocery needs and unexpected (albeit necessary) payments. You are also left with the eerily familiar feeling of ‘had I known’ and when I say ‘you’ I mean all of us.
Cue in ‘A Budget’, a financial saviour amongst few. A budget, simply put, is a spending plan based on how much money you make and what you need to spend it on. It’s an estimate of your income and your expenses over a certain period, in this example, a month.
To allow us break this truly vicious cycle, these top budgeting tips are some ideas to have at the back of your mind when creating your monthly budget.